The Gallery, but where's TONY HART!

A thumbnail of a pic i'm working on







PICTURE 1 : Got this from a mates PeeCee. He had this as part of
            his screen saver.
PICTURE 2 : This is a still from an animation I was doing in
            Imagine 3.0. It was for the BBS, but since that is dead..
PICTURE 3 : This is another rendered picture. Did this for some dox
            he was sending out with the software.
PICTURE 4 : This is from a BIKINI site I found this month. Has some
            good pictures and some awful conversions ...
PICTURE 5 : Another picture, looks better now it's been shrunk and
All the pictures can be sent to you in their FULL glory, should you so wish. Just E-Mail me at the address on the MAIN page.

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